God Lives in the Himalayas promo of Malvika Subba

Promo Trailer of God Lives in the Himalayas. 

God Lives in the Himalayas is a film written and directed by Mumbai based Sanjay Srinivas.

You definitely need to watch this movie. 

Let us know what you think in the comments below.
God Lives in the Himalayas promo of Malvika Subba God Lives in the Himalayas promo of Malvika Subba Reviewed by NepaliChalchitra on 9:08 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. My Dear Sister Malvika
    This unacceptable faith that God is living in Himalayas.Yes man made God and man made goddesses were there for some period but the real true God is not those people who were billions of years ago at this earth as human being.How you can say that man can became god and God can became man? This kinds of ideology took mankind from Monotheism to polytheism.Faith of Polytheism was invented by the people during the age of treyta yug, Dwapar yug, and it spread all over the world at the beginning days of Kali yug.
    All mighty true God was never came at this earth.This Universe never contain by all mighty god himself.So the what you are going to do is absolutely wrong in faith. if you want to know who is real God than look Islam cocg.com. or write question to [email protected]


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